

Enamel Microabrasion, Esthetics Dental, Dental Enamel Hypoplasia


The microabrasion technique consists of removing a certain thickness of superficial enamel, occupies a prominent place among treatment options, especially because it is an alternative that preserves tooth structure. Based on a literature review, evaluate the effectiveness and applicability of this method in clinical treatment, analyzing the potential for resolution according to the studies that support its efficiency. A bibliographic review was carried out in the Bireme, Pubmed and Google academic databases. The superficial enamel microabrasion technique has been suggested as a controlled and non-invasive method that has advantages over other conventional techniques used to remove stains and irregularities from the enamel surface, being a treatment choice in patients with enamel color defects. This technique can result in different clinical conclusions, depending on the situation in which the stain to be removed is located, and there are three factors that directly affect the clinical result, which are the color, location and depth of the stain on the tooth before receiving treatment. Knowledge of the types of stains is essential for obtaining a diagnosis and the depth of the lesions is crucial for choosing treatment. The microabrasion technique is a conservative treatment in cases of tooth staining (superficial), characterized by being a minimally invasive, low-cost conservative procedure that can be combined with other types of treatment such as tooth whitening and direct restorations for aesthetic resolution.

Author Biography

Carlos alberto camargo isabel, UNIFENAS - Universidade José do Rosário Vellano, Varginha, Campus, Santa Luiza

Doutor em Ciências Odontológicas - São Leopoldo Mandic - Campinas. Mestre em Odontologia Restauradora pela Universidade Vale do Rio Verde - UNINCOR/Três Corações, bolsa concedida pela CAPES (2015). Graduação em Odontologia pela Universidade Vale do Rio Verde de Três Corações (2012).Especialista em Implantodontia e Prótese Dentária. Cirurgião Dentista atuando em consultório particular. Atualmente professor nas disciplinas de Oclusão, Prótese Removível, Materias Odontológicos, Dentistíca II, Disfunção e Dor Orofacial, Estágio em Odontologia Geral na área Dentistíca e Prótese Dentária na Universidade José do Rosário Vellano UNIFENAS/Varginha. Presidente da liga de Odontogeriatria da Unifenas - Varginha. Membro do colegiado estudantil do curso de Odontologia da Unifenas - Varginha. Realiza pesquisa na área de prótese dentária, dentística e materiais dentários.

