

ABSTRACT Introduction: The search for aesthetics is increasing and teeth that suffer some color change or are pigmented have been the reason for frequent complaints in Dentistry. Color changes occur due to intrinsic factors, such as pulp necrosis or extrinsic factors, such as food coloring, and the color may vary according to the causal factor. Objective: The present study aimed to highlight the main current approaches present in the literature and for each case the least invasive solution. Methodology: The present work was carried out in the format of a simple literature review on current treatments for pigmented teeth, including published scientific articles available in digital databases, articles available in full on Google Scholar, PubMed and Scielo from the year 2007. Results: much of the literature reports that the proposed treatments are divided into less invasive and more invasive. In the first classification, there is tooth whitening, which can be divided into office whitening carried out in a clinical environment and home whitening, with a silicone plate, carried out by the patient following the instructions of the dental surgeon. The most invasive treatments consist of direct restorations, using composite resin and indirect restorations that are developed in the laboratory. Conclusion: It is concluded that pigmented teeth are the biggest aesthetic complaints today. The use of tooth whitening and direct and indirect restorative methods are essential to resolve such pigmentations.



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