Mechanized instrumentation in endodontic procedure: a review of the literature

A review of the literature



Introduction: Endodontics is the specialty of dentistry that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the pulp and its complications on the tissues of the periapical region. For this, a manual file system was created in order to perform this action. Over time, new systems were created to optimize treatment, making endodontics a mechanized process. Objective: This study reviews the literature on the evolution, advantages and disadvantages of mechanized endodontics in today's dentistry. Methodology: This work was performed in a simple literature review format about instrumentation in mechanized endodontics, where the inclusion criteria were scientific articles published in digital databases, articles available in full through Pubmed, Science Direct, Scielo and Google Academy between the years 2003 and 2022. Review of the literature: Much of the literature reports that mechanized endodontic instruments have several advantages over the manual system, such as shorter clinical time, reduction of microorganisms, and resistance to fractures. Conclusion: We conclude that the dental surgeon needs to be increasingly updated, seeking new techniques for improvement, resulting in more efficient and safer procedures. Keywords: Instrumentation; Mechanized; Endodontics.  

Author Biographies

Stephanie Quadros Tonelli , Unifenas-Divinópilis-MG

Professora Doutora, do curso de Odontologia da Universidade Edson Antônio Vellano – UNIFENAS

Daniel Souza Pardini, Unifenas-Divinópilis-MG

Mestre, do curso de Odontologia da Universidade Edson Antônio Vellano – UNIFENAS



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