
Fire extinguisher, management, inspection, fire, aplication


The text highlights the global threat posed by fires, emphasizing their devastating impacts on lives, properties, and the environment. It underscores the importance of fire extinguishers in containing these events and the need for regular maintenance. It proposes the development of an innovative mobile application to enhance fire extinguisher management, especially in the Health and Safety at Work sector. The application aims to automate management tasks, such as QR code identification, sector registration, recording information about extinguishers, and automatic notifications about expiration dates. The study integrates field analysis and literature review, exploring topics such as validation and management of extinguishers, fire regulations, and the use of the Flutter framework for mobile app development. The field phase involved meetings with safety technicians to identify challenges in monthly extinguisher inspections, motivating the creation of the application. The tool's development uses Flutter and MySQL to replace spreadsheets, aiming for an intuitive and secure interface with features like authentication, search, reporting, and data synchronization. The practical evaluation of the application in two companies seeks to validate its effectiveness in preventing accidents due to improper extinguisher maintenance. Pending activities include experiments with safety technicians, data collection, and feedback to enhance practical experience, and the implementation of improvements based on result analysis. The ultimate goal is to provide a comprehensive and effective solution for fire extinguisher management, contributing to workplace safety.

